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Four Ways a Patio Canopy in Houston, TX Improves Your Patio Space

April 15, 2016

Sunny, warm days are meant to be spent outside. However, sometimes the sun can be too much, especially when you live in an already humid, hot climate. There are a few ways to avoid or at least protect yourself from the sun, but staying indoors shouldn’t be one of them. Want to spend time on your outdoor patio but want to block that sun a little? A patio canopy is a perfect solution. While you sit on your patio, you’ll remain in the shade. The following are a few ways a patio canopy in Houston, TX can improve your patio... View Article

Five Benefits of Metal Awnings in Houston, TX

April 1, 2016

You care about what your patio looks like. It’s the part of your backyard that helps you enjoy the beauty of your garden. It’s the place you sit as you watch your kids play in the backyard. It’s the place where you spend your time laughing and talking with friends and family. A patio awning can do a lot to your patio space. It enhances it, protecting you and your possessions from the sun as well as make the space more aesthetically pleasing. There are many types of patio awnings, one of them being metal. The following are a few... View Article

Who Invests in Carport Installation in Houston, TX?

March 15, 2016

Where there is not a garage or other safe place for a car, there is likely to be a carport! Protecting paint jobs from sun and rain becomes important to keeping a car looking its best, which is why carport installation in Houston, TX is always in demand. However, carports are not just limited to large apartment complexes and homes without garages. Here are five places where carports come in handy: RV storage: People who do not own the space to store their RV will often pay to store it at another site. Many of these storage facilities install carports... View Article

Add Screening With Your Patio Cover in Houston, TX to Avoid These Insects

March 1, 2016

A good patio cover in Houston, TX controls sun exposure. As summer inches closer, insect control will likely be on your mind, too. One way to help slow the onslaught of flying bugs is to add screening to your patio. Texas is known for many creepy critters, and here are four species that will encourage you to install patio screening: Cockroaches: Screening does not just chase away flying insects. It can deter the crawling ones as well by producing a barrier. Cockroaches are everywhere in Houston and can pose a special danger if a guest or household member is allergic... View Article

Four Advantages of a Carport Cover in Houston, TX

February 15, 2016

If your family is like most, your car is one of the biggest investments you’ve made aside from your home. But that investment can easily be compromised by a variety of factors, such as bad weather, theft or accidental damage. A carport is one of the best ways to shelter your vehicle from the elements and other threats you have little to no way of controlling. A carport is a shelter for your vehicle that is constructed of wood, metal or a variety of other materials. Many people even find that a carport is preferable to a garage. Here are... View Article